Advanced Medical Care
1006 Kresky Ave, Ste 1
Centralia, WA 98531
Cary "CW" Jasper, FNP-BC
When You Need More Than
Assembly-line Medical Care
For Appointment Call
Medical Fax: 833-694-1504
About Advanced Medical Care
Hi, I'm CW Jasper and I've been in practice over 40 years. I have probably helped many people with the same health challenges you have. Many people just need a well selected prescription drug and I am happy to help them. Others have tried all the standard treatments and haven't found relief. If you are in that situation I can also help you find some solutions that will work for you.
Here at Advanced Medical Care, I have many other tools and therapies to choose from and working together we can develop a plan to get you feeling better.
Your preferences matter as we devise the treatment plan that is best for you.

How Can We Help You?
Here Are Some of the Services I Provide
Back, Neck and Joint Pain
Non Narcotic Prescription Medications
Myofascial Release & Manipulation
Tendon, Ligament & Joint Injections
Cupping, UltraSound & Phonophoresis
Headaches and Migraines
Preventive medications to stop Migraines before they start
Myofascial Release to prevent the neck pain that triggers migraines
Nerve Blocks to treat and prevent Migraines and other Headaches
Depression and Anxiety
Prescription & Alternative Antidepresssants
Lifestyle Modifications & Vagal Therapy
Personal & Relationship Counseling
Sleep Hygeine and Light Therapy
Medications to correct circadian rhythm
Alternatives to CPAP
Neurochemical Balancing
Myofascial Release & Dry Needling
Exercise and Sleep Correction
These are a few conditions I treat. If you have a condition
not on this list, contact me, and I will let you know if I can help you.

Insurance Policy
We Accept Most
Major Insurance Plans
Hi, my name is Karen and I will help you with your insurance. At Advanced Medical Care, we believe that everyone should have access to the care they need. That's why we accept nearly all major insurance plans, including Medicare and Medicaid. If you have any questions about your coverage, please don't hesitate to contact us. Call me at 360-264-2492 or use the Contact Form below. We also accept credit cards for co-pays. If you don't have insurance, or need other special consideration, contact me.
Fill out the Online Form for NEW PATIENTS
Omega 3s
Fighting Sugar